Stikkordarkiv: early childhood

More mountains

‘Have you seen one, you have seen them all’
(heard spoken while viewing mountains at the Sognefjord!)

Some years ago I exhibited together with the Norwegian photographer Johan Brun. He brought some pictures from a prvious exhibition named ‘more mountains’ … This title spoke to me and has followed me later…. Norwegian songs …many of them …. have got a touch of ‘fjell’ = mountains.’The old mountains in the far distance… it is something sturdy and solid about these monuments.  …… ‘high mountains make a narrow sky’ ….a word says. A rewriting of mine….. ‘high mountains fjell give a high sky’…we have to turn the eyes as high as we can, and so we get a feeling of a higher heaven….

Those mountains and tose valleys we saw ‘during our first childhood’ (qoute from a Norw. song) will stay with us for life…. the same as the stories from the Bible we learnt in school…. For me the absolute ‘top’ mountains are ‘The two horns in Hemsedal valley. The impressions in my mind stays for life. But forty years’ life at the Sognefjord under its mountains also make print of eternal value. All the bends of the fjords that make its way into the land give a mauntain one front side and one ‘behind side’, related to where you liver….and we all want to own ‘a bit’ …

fjellThe sun shine on
the snow crystals
and make the cold winter’s day
3 degrees warmer
and 100 % lighter

Nature breathes
silent wondering
and wide open


[box style=»rounded» border=»full»]Vindreken er eitt av dei mest markante fjella ved Sognefjorden. Det har eigentleg tre toppar, den inste er 1273 m o h. Spesielt i vinerham kan ein sjå eit løvehovud i teikningar i fjellet.[/box]